On Monday, 6th of January 2025, Hon’ble Federal Minister for Finance and Revenue Muhammad Aurangzeb briefed the Senate’s Standing Committee on Finance on the newly operationalised EXIM Bank, emphasizing its crucial role in Pakistan’s export-led economic growth.
On Monday, 6th of January 2025, Hon’ble Federal Minister for Finance and Revenue Muhammad Aurangzeb briefed the Senate’s Standing Committee on Finance on the newly operationalised EXIM Bank, emphasizing its crucial role in Pakistan’s export-led economic growth.
Muhammad Nassir Salim, President & CEO – HBL, (standing 3rd from left), and Irfan Bukhari, CEO & President – EXIM Bank, (Standing 5th from left), exchange MoUs. at EXIM Bank’s Head Office in Islamabad, in the presence of senior officials from both organizations.
The C.E.O. & President – EXIM Bank, Mr. Irfan Bukhari, participated as a panelist in the “Ramping Up Exports” seminar organised by Humanex, in Karachi. The C.E.O. provided an overview of the creation of Export Credit Agencies (ECAs), their mandate and how EXIM Banks support local exporters in their aspirations to grow their exports.
By Katharine Morton
Head of Trade, Treasury & Risk – TXF Media.
C.E.O. & President – EXIM Bank, Mr. Irfan Bukhari’s interview by TXF News. Hear it from the man himself about the road leading up to the successful launch of the institute, its current engagements and what’s next in the near future, in his first official interview after the agency’s inauguration.
ISLAMABAD, Thursday, 21st of December, 2023: Export-Import Bank of Pakistan (EXIM Bank), established by the Government of Pakistan (G.o.P.) through the Export-Import Bank of Pakistan Act, 2022 (XXII of 2022), after being granted Permission for Commencement of Business by the State Bank of Pakistan.
Export-Import Bank of Pakistan (EXIM), JS Bank Limited (JSBL) and Climate Resource Coordination Cell (CRCC) signed a Tripartite Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on October 25, 2022. The purpose of the MoU is to collaborate in developing a programme for greening Pakistan’s exports across multiple sectors and tap into international climate finance opportunities to fund the programme.
EXIM Bank of Pakistan (EXIM Bank), upholding its vision to strengthen Pakistan’s export base, has inked a tripartite MOU with The Bank of Punjab (BOP) and Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB) under the Software Export Expansion Program (SWEEP), to provide Export Credit Insurance among other Financing and Banking facilities to software exporters.