Export – Import Bank of Pakistan (EXIM Bank) is a Development Finance Institution 100% owned by the Government of Pakistan (G.o.P.). EXIM Bank’s mandate is to catalyse the growth and diversification of the country’s exports and to support the implementation of import-substitution projects. EXIM Bank provides a level playing field to Pakistani exporters to compete with international exporters who already rely on their national Export Credit Agencies or EXIM Banks.
EXIM Bank of Pakistan meets its mandate requirements by providing Credit Insurance and Lending products, designed to enhance the overall credit risk appetite in Pakistan. This is done by creating security for local businesses, especially SMEs, and commercial banks in partnership with some of the highest rated international re-insurance companies in the world. EXIM Bank also supports the implementation of manufacturing facilities and infrastructure projects in Pakistan to facilitate import substitution, saving the drain of valuable foreign exchange from Pakistan.
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