Mr. M. Sualeh Ahmad Faruqui
Brief info
Mr. M. Sualeh Ahmad Faruqui is an officer of Pakistan Administrative Services (PAS) who joined the Civil Service in 1990. Before joining as Secretary Commerce, he has remained posted as Secretary, Trade Development Authority of Pakistan(T.D.A.P.), Chairman-Employees Old-Age Benefits Institution(EOBI) and Chief Executive Officer, Sindh Infrastructure Development Company(S.I.D.C.). Besides, he held various positions at Federal, Provincial and Divisional/District administration levels. He earned his Master’s degree from London School of Economics, UK. He is a Britannia Chevening Scholar and also a Lead International Fellow in the field of sustainable development. Further to this, he has been particularly associated with economic, financial and structural reforms initiatives at various levels. During the span of his service, he has widely travelled and represented Pakistan at various international forums.