Mr. Abdul Hafeez
C.E.O. & President (Acting)
Brief info
Abdul Hafeez, a fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan, boasts a career spanning over 23 years in which he played key roles in establishing and setting strategic directions of multiple Financial Institutions, for the private sector, public sector and joint ventures between States. His area of expertise, covering a vast range of functions, include Planning & Strategy, Policy & Frameworks, Stakeholder Engagement, Regulatory Expertise, Financial & Treasury Management, Operations, Corporate Affairs, Taxation, Audit/Inspection, and allied fields.
He started his career with EY Ford Rhodes, after which he joined the Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan (IDBP); notably restructuring their Balance Sheet to facilitate equity injection in PKR Billions. He then moved on to Pak Oman Group and then on to being a key member of the team responsible for the establishment of a Microfinance Bank. Abdul Hafeez then served for over 14 years at Pak Brunei Investment Co. before joining Export-Import Bank of Pakistan in November, 2021. At EXIM Bank, he has, again, played a key role during the enactment of the EXIM Bank legislation, the institution’s establishment, policy & framework development, operations, financial management and developing the strategic vision for the institution, and led the timely transition of the Export Refinance Scheme from SBP to EXIM, aligning IMF’s SBA conditions; an achievement of national significance. He represents EXIM Bank in meetings with stakeholders, shareholder, regulator, as part of Working Groups and at other private and govt. forums.
Abdul Hafeez also served as a Board Member for Awwal Modaraba Management Ltd., Primus Leasing Ltd. and Primus Investment Management Ltd.
Chartered Accountancy (FCA), Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan.
Advance Stage of Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW).
Bachelor of Commerce, University of Karachi, Karachi.
PGD in Islamic Banking and Takaful