Mr. Bakar Ahmed
Head of Human Resources
Brief info
Bakar is the Head of H.R. – Export-Import Bank of Pakistan. He has served as an E.V.P./Head H.R. – Training & O.D. at Finca Microfinance Bank Limited. He was an advisor under World Bank M.D.T.F. project on Capacity Strengthening H.R.M. of F.B.R. and has worked as C.H.R.O. at Ubank and as Country Head H.R. at Askari Bank Ltd., thus bringing with him a rich experience with a focus on H.R.M. automation, earned during the course of over 27 years of progressive responsibility and achievement in the field. Bakar is an accredited S.H.R.M.-S.C.P., U.S.A., and is also a Silver Medalist in M.B.A. (Ex.) from L.U.M.S., and has a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering from U.E.T., Lahore.