Dr. Abaid-ur-Rehman

Dr. Abaid-ur-Rehman is a dedicated Interventional Pain Physician committed to making suffering
patients free from acute and chronic pain, including all types of chronic pain with state-of-the-art
facilities at Hameed Latif Hospital including ultrasound and fluoroscopy. Keen interest in neck pain
radiation to Arms (cervical radiculopathy), Sciatica, back pain, knee pain, hip joints and
sacroiliac joints.

Speciality Interventional Pain Physician
Degrees MBBS, FCPS (Anesthesiology), Masters in Pain Medicine, FIPM( Pak), Pain fellowship ( India), Certificate regional ultrasound blocks( Esculalp Acdemy, Europe) certified trainer regional USG blocks( UHS) , instructor EPM ( Essential Pain management, Australia and New Zealand
Areas of Expertise
  • Pain management ( acute and chronic including all types of cancer pain)
  • Sciatica and spine pain
  • Neck pain and knee joints pain
Clinic OPD Room-6
Appointment Number 0306-1724782