Nephrology focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the kidney. As the kidney performs many critical functions, nephrologists are not only experts in maintaining the primary kidney function, but also in the management of the systemic problems arising from kidney failure. The Nephrology and state-of-the-art dialysis facility at Hameed Latif Hospital is where we diagnose and manage different types of kidney-related complications.
The Nephrology Department at Hameed Latif Hospital is run by highly trained specialists who possess the expertise and advanced skills to treat all diseases related to the kidney. Our expert team of nephrologists and advanced diagnostic and medical equipment enables us to provide treatment for simple and complex Nephrological Conditions. The hospital has 12 bedded (including beds and dialysis chairs) well equipped dialysis center. All ICU beds have the facility to dialyze patients while being treated in the ICU (bedside dialysis).