Blood Bank

Blood Banking:

Blood banking is the process of collecting blood from healthy donors, processing it, and making it readily available to those who require it. It forms the backbone of any healthcare system, as, without the timely availability of safe blood products, countless lives can be in jeopardy.

As per WHO, blood is considered an essential medicine that helps patients survive surgeries, cancer treatment, chronic illnesses, and traumatic injuries. The safe and rational use of blood products is required to minimize the risks associated with blood transfusion and maximize the benefits for the recipient.

At Hameed Latif hospital we have 24 hours availability of blood and its products at the Blood Bank which guarantees efficient patient care. We ensure the safety of entire vein-to-vein transmission through hemovigilance and make no compromise on the donor’s as well as the recipient’s health. Our skilled blood banking staff is well-qualified in the field of blood banking and transfusion medicine and understands the sensitive nature of their work. They believe in saving lives and remain compassionate and vigilant to give you the care you deserve.

The process of donating blood:

After a brief physical examination, hemoglobin estimation, and donor questionnaire, the collection of blood is done by a healthy volunteer. The entire donation process is supervised by well-qualified staff and takes about 20-30 minutes. The blood collected is then separated into different components; packed red cells, platelets, and plasma. Screening for infections present in the blood (TTIs) is done using advanced CLIA/ELISA techniques to ensure the safety of blood products and each product is stored at a designated storage temperature. Upon request from the hospital, these products are provided for utilization in life-saving procedures.
Refreshment and post-donation care is also provided to the blood donor and he/she is also briefed about the dos and don’ts after donating blood.

Services offered at the Hameed Latif Hospital’s Blood Bank:

o   Blood group and Rh Factor

o   Blood group and cross-match (For Donor)

o   Direct and Indirect Coombs Test

o   Rh Antibody Titration

o   Antibody screening and identification

o   Therapeutic phlebotomy

o   Platelet apheresis

o   Plasma apheresis

o   Preparation of PRP, FFPs, PCV, Cryoprecipitate