If humour is the most highly regarded form of brilliance, then Fatima is a genius.
A thinker of wackiness, an executor of action-oriented campaigns and a teacher to an amazing team of associates
Bringing in seven, solid years of experience from 14th Street Pizza, Orient McCann Erickson and Adcom Leo Burnett, she currently heads the Content Department at Synite Digital. Fatima has worked on a diverse portfolio of brands, including KFC, L’Oréal Paris, IBA, Soneri Bank, Engro Foods, Atlas Honda Motors, Greenstar Social Marketing, Goodgoodies, Gul Ahmed Textiles, Habitt, P&G among others. In her spare time, she tweets, watches the Marvel series, and reflects on life through her collection of truck and rickshaw poetry. When she isn’t thinking up crazy ideas, she is busy supporting someone else’s craziness. Brilliant at strategy, brand positioning, creative communication, mind-bending puns and being funny on cue, she is a true “adwoman”.